Thursday, May 19, 2005

Breast Cancer Cure?

I have been recently hit with the loss of a parent. I have lost loved ones before but it has never hit me like this one did. My step-mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in spring of 2002 when I was about to graduate from college. We all were scared of it happening, she watched her mother live and die from it back in the early and late 70's when it was all still new and didn't have the advances that are available today. She was diligent with testing herself and getting mammograms I remember her telling me about the first time she wanted to have one done the doctors told her she was too young to worry about it and she had to argue with them, saying that her mom and a couple of aunts died from it and she wanted to beat it soo badly. In the last few months of her life she finally realized that she wasn't going to get passed it and started to regret having kept us all in the dark about what was going on. She was very good at making sure that everyone else was happy and well and she was the last to worry about being sick or anything. We put on her death certificate that her occupation was a homemaker because she was that to EVERYONE that she encountered.
This happening had me thinking about all these walks for Breast Cancer, you have to raise on average $2000 to walk in the race, I know that a portion of that is to have the walks and the supplies, insurance permits, handouts, etc, but you figure that they have about 3000 walkers, all raising $2000 or so a piece that's 6 million dollars, and there are 8 walks that's 48 million dollars raise for Breast Cancer research!!! And we still haven't found a cure!!! What the dillio??

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